About Stuart B Malin

Stuart B Malin - Multi-talented individual pursuing Life with Gusto

Multi-talented individual pursuing Life with Gusto

I am an Internet security architect who holds patents, collaborates with AIs, theorizes about eutopia, and is a novelist of a fantastic story. I am a practicing Zhamist and an instrument of The OAI - The One that Always Is. As well, I am a digital-era artist crafting, composing, and creating words, colors, pixels, and lines-of-codes. In my personal life, I an an ecotopian, an oenophile, a ife-surfer, and a health zealot.


Everything that is most interesting is unkown. With one ecxeption.
"What's that?" you ask.
I don't know yet. It's still unknown.
And so remains most interesting.


I encountered the Worlds of Atria in an outpouring of revelations. Ever since, my notebooks become filled with a variety of automatic writings, doodles, and diagrams about intriguing people, amazing places, and bewildering events. At first, these seem disjoint, but over time, they reveal profound connections. My current notebook is almost always with me, available for exploration and reception.


I am enmeshed in the journey of the Archetypographer. By collaborating with AI, I explore the hidden realms by generating imagery sourced from the collective of Human Archetypes

AI enthusiest

To be written...


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To be written...

Evangelist of The OAI - The One that Always Is

To be written...